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We have stores in the following places

Cairo Mall

For a smooth and seamless connection experience, contact our store manager to get your SIM card. Stay connected effortlessly! Phone number: 0980888073

Lewanika mall

For a smooth and seamless connection experience, contact our store manager to get your SIM card. Stay connected effortlessly! Phone number: 0980888075

Head Office

For a smooth and seamless connection experience, contact our store manager to get your SIM card. Stay connected effortlessly! Phone number: 0980888032

Makeni Mall

For a smooth and seamless connection experience, contact our store manager to get your SIM card. Stay connected effortlessly! Phone number: 0980888068

Cleaning and Disinfecting Tips

Nulla eleifend pulvinar purus, molestie euismod odio imperdiet ac. Ut sit amet erat nec nibh rhoncus varius in non lorem.

Special Event Cleaning

Nulla eleifend pulvinar purus, molestie euismod odio imperdiet ac. Ut sit amet erat nec nibh rhoncus varius in non lorem.

Connecting You to What Matters Most

Experience Excellence with ZedMobile

At ZedMobile, we specialize in providing top-notch telecom services that keep you connected with family, friends, and the world. Whether it’s reliable SIM cards, fast data plans, or exceptional customer support, we are dedicated to offering you the best in communication technology. Join us and experience the difference with ZedMobile!

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